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Check out our chat with the Kane family on our Instagram (@scouttohunt) about how they found the Right Side Hidden Shed.

Hint: the UnPaved™ Layer + Markers 9 and 10 in the Right Side Puzzle below.

Here is where the $10,000 Right Side Hidden Shed was placed:

33.91859950981002, -108.38283598423004

Hint #1

It's not a road shed, but you don't have to go far on foot.

Answer: It was a quick walk from the UnPaved™ off-roads mentioned in the Puzzle Pieces (Markers 9 and 10).

Hint #2

The second most spacious area in the state, on average.

Answer: Catron County (Divide the square miles of the county by its known population)

Approx 2 Sq Mi. per person.

Catron County is the largest by land size but not the most "spacious".

Hint #3 - Markers 1,3, and 4

Troubled soul obscured

Answer: Butch Cassidy and company hid out in Alma, NM for a time.

Right Side Puzzle

This Puzzle will fast track you to the second Hidden Shed, if you can solve it. If not, the Hints will lead the way – over time.

Add all of the following Puzzle Pieces (10 Markers total) to your map with the instructions below. Make sure each Puzzle Piece has all the noted details for a complete and accurate Puzzle to solve.

To add each Puzzle Piece to your map, copy and paste the GPS coordinates into the Location Search (top-left corner of your map).

Note: Head east to the conifers from where "NM 16359 T" and "NM 16558 T" meet.

Marker 1
34.829569023141914, -106.41633152961731

Name: Troubled

Color: Magenta

Type: Mule Deer Shed

Condition: Chalk
Marker 2

34.8350290668444, -106.42597675323486

Name: 4/26

Color: Magenta

Type: Elk Shed

Condition: Chalk
Marker 3

34.8223206961822, -106.42656683921814

Name: soul

Color: Magenta

Type: Mule Deer Shed

Side: Right

Points: 25

Inches: 2

Condition: Chalk
Marker 4

34.822294273410364, -106.42844438552856

Name: obscured

Color: Magenta

Type: Mule Deer Shed

Side: Left

Condition: Chalk
Marker 5

34.84043151174836, -106.40996932983398

Name: 1513

Color: Magenta

Type: Elk Shed

Side: Right

Points: 21

Inches: 19

Condition: Chalk
Marker 6

34.84043591457436, -106.40809714794159

Name: 325

Color: Magenta

Type: Elk Shed

Side: Left

Condition: Brownie
Marker 7

36.68465176950431, -107.33069658279419

Name: 1811

Color: Blue

Type: Elk Shed

Side: Right

Points: 21

Inches: 19

Condition: Chalk
Marker 8

36.68586705183881, -107.32952177524567

Name: 123

Color: Blue

Type: Elk Shed

Side: Left

Condition: Brownie
Marker 9

36.696861795367326, -107.32319444417953

Name: NM 16359 T

Color: Blue

Type: Mule Deer Shed

Side: Right

Points: 25

Inches: 2

Condition: Chalk
Marker 10

36.69813279989431, -107.32211351394653

Name: NM 16558 T

Color: Blue

Type: Mule Deer Shed

Side: Left

Condition: Chalk
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