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To view the location of the Utah $10K Hidden Shed on your map copy and paste the following coordinates into the Scout To Hunt App:

40.93308994362755, -109.20292139053345

Note: the solutions to the Hints will be provided once all Hidden Sheds are found.

Seek relatively efficient systems from before and more prior that intersected with the current system that is consistently identified.


Green River


The Old Spanish Trail trade route crossed the Green River in the area of modern-day Green River from 1829 into the 1850s.

"efficient systems" - various routes from the past

"current system" - current, as in a water current (ie., Green River)

"consistently identified" - for its notable features, the Green River has been identified as such throughout recorded history.

Satellite Map of Mohave County, AZ - Scout To Hunt App
Offline 3D Satellite Map of the Green River, UT - Scout To Hunt App
Tip: Swipe up or down on your map with two fingers to tilt your map in and out of 3D perspective. Online 3D Maps are free on the Scout To Hunt App.

Find its singular relation from dusk to dawn.


Uinta Mountain Range


The Uinta Mountain Range is the only major range in the contiguous United States with an east-west orientation.

Satellite Map the Grand Canyon region with Tribal, National Parks and Wilderness Areas layers - Scout To Hunt App
Offline 3D Satellite Map the Uintas mountain range, UT - Scout To Hunt App

Note those that networked for a complex of support.


Flaming Gorge Dam


Flaming Gorge Dam is 1 of 6 dams in a concerted system to preserve the upper Colorado River basin, also known as the Colorado River Storage Project.

Flaming Gorge Dam is the only dam out of the six located in Utah.

Satellite Map of the The Strip region in northern Arizona - Scout To Hunt App
Offline 3D Satellite Map of the Flaming Gorge Dam, UT - Scout To Hunt App

Consider the story that was marked and not forgotten.


Dinosaur National Monument


This relates particularly to the Fremont people and their petroglyphs and hieroglyphics, in addition the simultaneous interpretation of the dinosaur fossils that have been preserved.

Offline 3D Satellite Map of the Parashant Canyon area, AZ - Scout To Hunt App
Offline 3D Satellite Map of Dinosaur National Monument, UT - Scout To Hunt App
Tip: Save your maps and take your 3D perspective offline with you while you venture out in the field – where it matters most.

Finish fast and revere the past by moving with your future.


Uintah and Ouray Reservation; the Bear Dance


"Finish Fast", as in fasting from consumption - The primal ancestor of the Ute Indians are believed by themselves to be bears.[4] The reason for this dance was to help wake up the hibernating bears in winter, and the Indians from being inside during the cold season.

"revere the past" - Legends say that the songs played by the Ute Indians showed respect to the bears spirits.[8]

"by moving with your future" - Along with waking up for winter finding a new mate for the new season is another reason this dance is performed by bears, and humans.[5] During the dance women invite men to dance in order to find a mate, and dance together.[6]


Offline 3D Satellite Map of Esplin Tank and Red Pond - Scout To Hunt App
Offline 3D Satellite Map of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation boundary, UT - Scout To Hunt App
Tip: Use the free Private Land and Public Land layers to highlight property boundaries on your Offline 3D Maps.

See an enduring stamp of recognition, pieces of its past remain.


Three Corners Triangle


The Tri-State Corner of the States of Wyoming, Utah and Colorado.

The original monument was found to be disturbed in 1931, and was remarked by US Cadastral Engineer E. V. Kimmel with a brass tablet seated in a concrete monument.


Erected by the Kiwanis clubs of Rock Springs, WY, and Craig, CO and the Lions club of Daggett County, UT in cooperation with the Bureau of Land Management, and dedicated on August 21, 1966. Embedded in the concrete base of this monument are some of the original stones which marked the location in 1879.


Offline 3D Satellite Map with UnPaved™ Off-roads and Trails layer - Scout To Hunt App
Offline 3D Satellite Map of Three Corners Monument, UT - Scout To Hunt App

Determine where traveled by plenty, taken for granted by some. The stone set to shield from encounter.


John Jarvie Historic Ranch


"Determine where traveled by plenty" - In 1880, John Jarvie, a Scotsman built a ranch along the Green River to offer store goods to those that lived or traveled in this wild territory. Jarvie chose this location due to a naturally occurring river crossing which was used by Indians, fur trappers, travelers, and local residents. At its height, the Jarvie ranch operation included a store, post office, river ferry, and cemetery.

"taken for granted by some" - John Jarvie was murdered while in defense of his safe during an armed robbery.

"The stone set to shield from encounter" - At the historic ranch, you’ll find the stone house, which is a one-room, rectangular building. It was built by outlaw Jack Bennett, using masonry skills he learned in prison.


Offline 3D Satellite Map with the UnPaved™ and Private Land map layers - Scout To Hunt App
Offline 3D Satellite Map of the John Jarvie Ranch - Scout To Hunt App

Explore the prime aspect of the ascent, spot the exposed dwelling.


South facing slopes; Mountain Home


"Explore the prime aspect" - South Slopes layer highlights south facing slopes on your map. A popular layer for shed hunters.

"spot the exposed dwelling" - in reference to the nearby mountain named, Mountain Home

Offline 3D Satellite Map with UnPaved™ Off-roads and Trails map layer - Scout To Hunt App
Offline 3D Satellite Map with the Slopes layer - Scout To Hunt App
Tip: Press and Hold the Slopes layer button to filter which slope faces you want to display on your map.

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