I just finished listening to an excellent episode of the Gritty Bowmen Podcast, in which Brian Call and his guests tackle the never-ending debate of technological advancements and their impact in the world of hunting. I'd like to take up some of this digital space to highlight a couple of the main takeaways from such an educated discussion, which may aid many with their own understanding and interpretation of what hunting is and can be (all within legal bounds and simple common sense).



Hunting is and will always be a personal experience. It's an experience which can be determined and dictated by the individual's personal preferences and tastes - just like everything else in the free world (especially the beautiful USA). The principle of the matter is simple: everyone hunts differently in different circumstances in different environments for different game. What one person feels to be "crossing the line" is solely based on subjectivity, not objective arbitration.

"What I care about, is that they [harvest] it as humanely as possible."
- Brian Call

Person A may be deemed as "unethical" and "immoral" (the go-to vocab) by person B for technology XYZ, while person B is deemed the same by person C for gadgets 123. Each individual employs and equips different tools, accessories and gadgets that have all been conceived, designed and manufactured from technological advancements, for the sole purpose of enhancing and improving the hunter's ability to harvest game. Which means, everyone is crossing the line according to their own interpretation of "crossing the line", even themselves. Which is the 2nd takeaway that was highlighted in the Gritty Bowmen's discussion.



In Brian's identification of this issue, he explained the basic fact that if you're persons B or C, then you're simply: a hypocrite. Unless you're out harvesting game with dull rocks and your bare butt, then you can't believe yourself to be a judge of ethics and morality based on the implementation of technology - on and off the field. The basic solution to this confusion is to simply not worry about it, because it's none of our business in the first place. If you find that bow hunting with a technologically advanced compound bow brings you more satisfaction than a technologically advanced rifle for long distance shooting, then great. Why question long distance shooters if they're ethically harvesting the animals and filling the freezer just the same as you are? What satisfaction do we gain from imposing our tastes and preferences on another?


With these two main points that I found to be very well thoughtout, I don't want them to be misinterpreted as a sermon to end positive discussion on the topic. We can take notes from the Gritty Bowmen and their guests, as they've constructively discussed the issue on a common sense level.

Technology is here to stay, and it will continue to bring new advancements to the table that help foster positive experiences and outcomes in the hunting world - for everyone.

Watch the full episode below.