$50K Bitcoin Shed Hunt

Scout To Hunt: The Western Shed Hunter’s App has hidden a one-of-a-kind shed antler somewhere out in the Rocky Mountain West region of the United States. The shed hunter that finds the Hidden Shed will win $50,000 worth of Bitcoin (or cash, if they prefer).

Initially spanning the beautiful country found across the eight states of the Rocky Mountain West (Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Wyoming, and Utah - the boundaries of the contest), weekly Clues will narrow down the location of the Hidden Shed if the shed hunter can solve the riddles and put their shed hunting skills to the test!

‎Scout To Hunt: Shed Hunt Maps
‎This is the western shed hunter’s app. Uncomplicated offline GPS maps and unique features built specifically for the Shedicated shed hunter. Maximize every hour and every mile you invest into your search for brown gold. Leverage your past efforts to gain unparalleled future insights through a dyna…

From February 10th through May 26th, revealing Clues as to the whereabouts of this unique Hidden Shed are given every Thursday through the Scout To Hunt App. Sponsors of the $50K Bitcoin Shed Hunt will give a total of fourteen Clues, twelve of which are already available to the Shedicated users in the Scout To Hunt App.

Shedicated Users of the Scout To Hunt App gain a 2-week advantage over Basic Users to access and act on the weekly Clues. The Shedicated plan is a Yearly subscription for $29.99.

These significant Clues are presented in the form of simple riddles that require basic geographic knowledge of the Rocky Mountain West and put the shed hunting features of the Scout To Hunt App up front and center for the shed hunter seeking a new kind of “black gold”!

Start Shed Hunting 

The Clues are given in the Scout To Hunt App!

View the Clues